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MPEG DASH Specification is Ratified and Streamlined

电影专家组(MPEG)上周宣布,DASH规范已被批准为一种基于标准的方式,通过HTTP协议推进动态自适应流.  DASH规范得到了北美24个国家机构的批准, 欧洲, and parts of Asia.

MPEG-DASH, now know as ISO/IEC 23009-1, was frozen technically in August 2011, 并在日内瓦举行的MPEG 98 (MPEG第98次会议)之前由国家机构批准, 瑞士, which wrapped up on December 2.

According to a presentation by Thomas Stockhammer of Qualcomm, “在MPEG#98和ITTF的处理过程中,编辑更新是这样的,预计标准将于2012年3月发布。”.

根据MPEG 98在日内瓦结束后发布的新闻稿,ISO作为国际标准的出版“将很快进行”.  Now that DASH has been ratified, at least in its first version, 对于将实施该标准的公司,人们的兴趣已经越来越高.  At the Streaming Media West show in early November, a standing-room only crowd listened to members of the MPEG-DASH Promoters' Group espouse the key benefits of DASH and its interoperable potential.

其中一位推动者是Akamai媒体工程的首席架构师, 将法律, who also replied to a recent 评论 by StreamingMedia.com's editor-in-chief, Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen.

“DASH的承诺不是一个全有或全无的命题,”Law在评论区写道 Unified Format or DASHed Hopes 评论. “今天,供应商面临着HLS、HDS、SmoothHD、RTMP和RTSP的交付和支持选择."

"If DASH could help reduce this down to HLS and DASH,Law写道, "then the convergence that that offers, while not 'total', 在媒体链的各个层面——编码器——是否都是可取的和有益的, distributors, and playback clients."


另一位评论者指出,选择实际上是在DASH提供的配置文件之间, 即使用fMP4的现场和点播配置文件,以及使用“传输流”的DASH/TS和HLS在文件格式方面实际上是相同的."

尽管DASH的TS配置文件和HLS都使用类似的M2TS段, 区别因素是在Apple HLS中使用专有清单文件(称为an) .m3u8文件)和基于标准的基于xml的DASH清单文件(称为MPD或媒体表示描述文件).

即使是DASH MPD的xml结构也比M3U8播放列表的有限功能提供了显著的优势," wrote Alex Zambelli我们将在以后的文章中对此进行更详细的探讨.

The Future of MPEG DASH

As for next steps in the progression of DASH, three things are in play: first, 一些额外的工作将在规范上完成,这些工作将在下一次MPEG会议之前解决, held in San Jose, 加州, in early February 2012 -- to clarify language in a few areas. 除了, 随着公司开始构建能够运行任何或所有DASH配置文件的DASH兼容播放器,对互操作性测试的需求是关键缺失的环节.

最后, 采用通用文件格式(CFF)和通用加密方案的行动也必须完成, 后者提供了与数字娱乐内容生态系统(DECE)为UltraViolet所采用的解决方案一致的多drm(数字版权管理)解决方案.

Some work needs to be done here, 太, 因为并不是每个人都喜欢DECE首先为UltraViolet支持的五管齐下的DRM方法,后来被MPEG采用作为其统一的DRM方案.

On a previous article about DASH ("是什么 MPEG DASH?"), highlighting the five DRMs that include Adobe Flash Access, Microsoft Play Ready和一个叫做Marlin的开源DRM方案, Christopher Levy of BuyDRM.com 指出了他的观点,即市场只会接受一种数字版权管理方案.

“标准很棒,但市场将决定我们未来的‘去向’," wrote Levy. "The studios won't define it alone. The CE manufacturers won't define it. Consumers wont define it. Technology companies won't define it. "


"Marlin's not going anywhere," wrote Levy. "Sony dumped it for PlayReady. Sure, 免费的Vu and Canvas are looking at it. Meanwhile BBC and British Telecom are going with PlayReady. Marlin has no support in the open market. 目前还没有像微软媒体平台这样的免费视频播放平台可供内容所有者或被许可方使用,其中包括Marlin."

Qualcomm's Stockhammer notes, in his presentation, “扩展到ISO基础媒体文件格式(ISOBMFF)以支持DASH 14496-12/AMD 3和通用加密方案(IOS/IEC 23001-7)的并行审批流程”即将到来.

For more on MPEG DASH, view Qualcomm's presentation slides (PDF) from just prior to ratification or this technical whitepaper 来自微软的Iraj Sodagar,为IEEE计算机协会撰写.

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