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教程:苹果FCP X的多镜头编辑,第1部分

Our Final Cut Pro X tutorial series continues with the first installment of a 3-part series on multicam editing in FCP X, addressing the basics like creating a multicam clip and cutting and switching audio and video using the Angle Editor.

在本教程中, we’re going to begin our three-part look at multicam by going over basic multicam editing in Final Cut Pro X. Final Cut Pro X具有出色的多摄像机实现, and they’ve even added a tool that allows you to natively sync your footage based on waveform.

在Final Cut Pro 7和更早的版本, 你得用第三方软件来同步你的录像, so I think it’s pretty cool that they’ve added the native ability to do this.


We’re going to start by creating a multicamera clip by combining the three clips highlighted in 图1 (below). The project we’re going to use as an example in this tutorial is just a basic talking head intro to a recent corporate project we completed at Cord3Films, and there are three clips here: Boom Mic, Camera 01, and Camera 02. 我们需要把这些结合起来,开始多镜头剪辑, 我们只需要点击并拖动套索(下面的图1).

图1. 套索剪辑,我们将使用在我们的多摄像机编辑.

接下来,右键单击并选择新建多摄像机剪辑(下面的图2), or go to File > New > Multicamera Clip.

图2. 选择新建多摄像机剪辑

一旦这样做,您将看到如图所示的对话框 图3(下面),您可以在其中为剪辑命名并设置其他参数. 现在使用默认名称就可以了. 您将在“使用音频进行同步”下看到一个复选框, 如果你不勾选它, FCP X will utilize the audio waveform to determine how to sync the footage. 这就是我们在项目中经常做的, 只是因为我们用的是数码单反, so we’re not dealing with timecode or jam sync or anything like that.

图3. Be sure you leave this checkbox selected to benefit from the waveform-matching feature.

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在我们新教程系列的第一部分中, 格伦·埃利奥特揭秘Final Cut Pro X, 说明其核心功能, 并专注于最强大的组织新功能之一, 加速, 精简你的编辑:元数据关键字标签.