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Haivision 和 Wowza Launch SRT Alliance for Low-Latency Streaming


With live streaming taking off in 2016, latency has become a central issue for the industry. To reduce latency as much as possible, video streaming companies HaivisionWowza媒体系统 are joining together to launch an open source version of SRT (Secure Reliable Transport), a full-stack video transport protocol. 由Haivision创建, SRT is a technology package 和 protocol that connects two endpoints to deliver low-latency video across lossy networks. Haivision first demonstrated SRT at IBC 2012.

A full-stack solution is most beneficial with wide support behind it, 和 so the two companies have formed the SRT Alliance. 在LGPLv2下发布.1许可,SRT的源代码是 可以在GitHub上找到, along with sample applications. Developers are free to use SRT 和 even make 和 upload improvements. 在接下来的几周里, the alliance will publish an open source SRT Governance Model to clarify how contributions are vetted 和 merged.

跨管道工作, SRT可以应用于编码器, 流媒体服务器, 解码器, 机顶盒, 还有视频播放器. The two companies note that SRT includes end-to-end security with AES encryption, 网络运行状况监视, 和 simplified firewall traversal. It works on closed or open networks, including the internet. 虽然情况会有所不同, SRT with one to two percent packet loss should deliver latency in the 500ms range.

"While catering to audio 和 video streams, SRT is content agnostic 和 operates at the network packet level reconstructing the real-time behavior of the data stream at the receiving end, 网络丢包幸存, 无序的数据包, 抖动, 和 fluctuating round-trip time while maintaining low latency,亚当·耶伦解释道。, vice president of software platforms for Haivision. “在协议层面, one advantage of SRT is its ability to multiplex control 和 multiple data substreams into a single established stream. This makes it a lot more IT-friendly in the real world because data flow is predictable 和 can be easily controlled 和 monitored at the network infrastructure level."

SRT is currently used by the Haivision product line, while Wowza will incorporate SRT into its products starting with the Wowza Streaming Engine. Going forward, both Haivision 和 Wowza will contribute to the SRT source code. The two companies will demonstrate the SRT protocol from a second floor suite at the Renaissance Hotel during the NAB Show, 从今天开始. 

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