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流式工具箱:Valossa, signant和Red5 Pro


随着视频内容的数量呈指数增长, we take a look this month at products that will help you figure out what's in your video, 更快地移动生产和存档文件, 并以低延迟流的形式发送内容. 介绍Valossa, signant和Red5 Pro.


A 4-year-old company whose video recognition and content intelligence technology can identify people, scenes, 叙述, sounds, 关键字, logos, color, 和情感, Valossa is bringing visibility into media content with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). 它最初的重点是内容遵从性和突出显示创建的审核, 它为媒体资产管理提供了用户界面和API集成, 数字资产管理, 和其他人工智能聚合平台.

随着内容的增多, 提供亮点使内容更容易被发现, 萨米·尼斯卡说, 首席销售官. 虽然Netflix可能有内部的编辑团队, the Valossa tool gives VOD platforms an affordable and fast tool to generate clips for TV shows and sports content. “而不是人工剪辑许多版本的预告片, 人工智能可以立即做到这一点,并剪掉三到四个不同类型的亮点,尼斯卡说。.


他说,这项技术可以以多种不同的方式配置. 客户可以关注动作、情感或关键对话. “同样的技术也可以用于体育短片, 找到所有运动员脸上充满感情的时刻."

Other use cases include working with media libraries to tag content for easier search to improve the ROI, identifying key 信息 within longer-form corporate content to surface relevant sound bites from presentation, and helping brands identify if their products are being discussed in a positive or negative way.

 "We are currently piloting the technology with the media companies here in Nordics," Niska says. “重点一直放在录制内容上, 但我们也有一个实时版的识别技术. For YLE, 芬兰国家广播公司, we took the live TV stream of a comedy competition to capture emotions from the people’s faces and then drew conclusions." Customer access to the automatic clip creation tool should be available in early October.

Since the AI and ML image interpretation is only as good as the training the systems receive, Valossa is providing a way for customers to get customized training without having to become data scientists. Customers define the concepts they need to recognize, and Valosa sets up internal training tools. “我们正在提供这种机器学习服务,”尼斯卡说. “我们创造了这种快速启动过程, which means that we can quickly and cost effectively built the first version of the model for customers to try. 然后我们可以迭代地开发模型以满足他们的精度标准."

Valossa offers a free trial account where users can try out analysis of their own content via a user interface, 包括提供本机报告的仪表板, JSON元数据, 语音到文本的SRT文件链接, 如果创建,可以访问亮点. 仪表板中的另一个屏幕提供有关所有视觉效果的详细信息, 全文叙述, 每个片段都有一系列的见解. 该公司的主要重点是API访问, 使客户能够将Valossa集成为其工具集的一部分. "We also do have mainly smaller customers who use the tool to make search inquiries into indexed content."


Pricing: API现收现付定价从: 0.05€ 每分钟 能力,或捆绑功能 (视觉检测,对不合适的内容进行视觉审核, 语音分析,镜头分割等) 0.15€ 每分钟. 大批量企业按要求定价.


Signiant’s Media Shuttle is an enterprise software-as-a-service (SaaS) product for intelligent data transfer, 提供比FTP更快的文件传输. Media Shuttle每月移动数拍字节的内容, 提供加速度, 错误检查, 和报告.

This 15-year-old company’s growth rate seems to mirror the increases in media data rates over the years. "Our SaaS business grew by 46% last year," says Jon Finegold, chief marketing officer. “超过50万专业人士使用我们的软件产品."

“我们用Media Shuttle产品取代了大量FTP,”Finegold说. FTP was developed in the 70s and wasn't designed with today's file size and security issues. "A lot of the studios and broadcasters that we’re working with are actually banning FTP from their supply chains because of security breaches."

"We have something built into our transport architecture called checkpoint restart. If for some reason I unplugged my laptop from the internet halfway through the transfer and then reconnected it, 它会自动从停止的地方接起转账. In media where you're dealing with potentially hundreds of gigabytes or even terabyte transfers, 这是一个非常关键的函数,他说.


Dropbox是一个易于使用的服务, 在公司环境中,个人账户的可见性是有限的, 当人们跳槽的时候, 无法访问存储在那里的任何东西. 此外,Finegold说,它不适合处理大文件.

“云计算可能成本过高, 我们的许多客户都希望使用他们自己的本地存储,芬戈尔德说. "That could be storage in your own data center, or from AWS, Microsoft, or another cloud provider. Many of our customers have (multiple) portals pointing to different storage locations."

Media Shuttle既有拖放功能,也有API访问. Another feature is file validations that allow users to set parameters such as only allowing H.264 1080p文件(或任意数量的其他设置). Media Shuttle's API integrates with dozens of different asset management and workflow systems.

媒体穿梭有多快? 当我把它修好的时候,它给我留下了深刻的印象. The interface is very clunky (you download an app and install it, instead of working in a browser). The app installation took three tries, and I was only able to get the app working once. 第二次尝试时,我无法传输文件, 可能是因为应用程序无法启动, 而浏览器版本只允许我下载.

Media Shuttle does not have a trial account and Signiant set me as a user in one of its demos, 所以我并没有完全了解所有的功能.

价格:7美元,中小型企业每年500英镑, $57,企业服务, 大批量定制定价.

Red5 Pro

Red5 Pro targets engineers building products and services using very low latency WebRTC streaming. "We do live streaming at scale and are focused on providing the lowest latency possible,克里斯·艾伦说, 首席执行官兼联合创始人. “我们的优势是通过IP进行一对多的直播. 我们可以在不到半秒的延迟下获得数百万个并发观看者.

他说:“我们让开发人员在我们的工具集上进行开发. “我们有一个服务器端基础设施, which is kind of unique in that we didn’t go out and create our own data centers and build our own CDN.“WebRTC是一种无状态协议, 这意味着发送了一个数据块,然后会话历史记录就消失了, 这使得它相对容易扩展. Red5 Pro is taking advantage of the abundance and well-dispersed cloud services that have now been built out worldwide to create a WebRTC-based CDN. 客户使用自己的云账户.

Pro产品已经上市三年了. 该公司对RTMP进行了逆向工程, 最初创建了一个Flash通信服务器的开源替代品. “许多年后,Flash将逐渐被淘汰, 所以我们看到了一个巨大的机会,艾伦说。. At 流媒体 East the company clocked 180 milliseconds from the New York Hilton Midtown roundtrip to Paris and back, 阿伦说. “其中大部分是网络开销. 我们的服务器基础设施没有增加太多东西. 我认为我们正在做的事情极具破坏性。. "(If) your CDN is already built-out HTTP structures, why would you go out and try and recreate that?“一个CDN已经进入了Red5 Pro, 然而,该公司正在为Limelight的RTS流媒体解决方案提供动力. 

Red5 Pro为HTML5提供sdk, IOS移动, 和安卓, 并且很快也会有一个嵌入式Linux SDK. If you're developing for iOS, Swift or Objective C will be your language of choice. 为安卓, 它是Java, 如果你正在使用他们的HTML5网络sdk进行开发, 你正在用JavaScript进行开发. 

据艾伦说, Red5 Pro的当前用户或测试者包括主要的体育广播公司, 生活体育博彩, 拍卖, 和美国.S. 军事.

Red5 Pro提供测试帐户, 但它们通常需要几个小时到几天的时间才能形成, 而且由于我们的百家乐软件有限, 我们目前无法对其进行测试.

定价:免费试用. Developer Pro账户起价29美元.一个实例每月99美元,无限连接100次, 服务规模扩大到每年3美元的企业专业账户,399代表3个实例,并且根据需要无限连接.



Acquisition brings the SaaS workflow suite Reach Engine to Signiant's media workflow optimization offerings

流式工具箱:Hovercast, Prophet和脉冲星

在本期中, 我们着眼于互动直播的产品, AD库存定价, 和CDN平衡

流媒体工具箱:FILMIC Pro, Bitcentral FUEL, Touchstream VirtualNOC

这一期的The Streaming Toolbox是关于远程控制的, 移动设备, 广告, 以及网络运营


Red5 Pro CEO discusses how Red5 Pro approaches WebRTC scalability in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

流媒体工具箱:Zixi, Cleeng和Penthera

我们着眼于内容传输的B2B智能层, 支持客户关系管理决策的公司, 还有一项方便离线观看的服务.

流式工具箱:cinnaffilm PixelStrings, THEOplayer和共振AI

在本期的The Streaming Toolbox中, 我们将介绍一个转换视频格式的平台, another tool that actually looks at what is resonating with viewers using AI and machine learning (ML), and a third that is a player which is delivering the product the first two tools are working with.


流直播低延迟. 协作编辑. 分发到多个平台. 分析数据以做出更好的选择. 以下是每个主播都需要了解的创新领袖.
